The Tyre Union was established by Decree No. 9761 on March 11, 2003. It is subject to decree No. 5595/82 and was comprised initially of 20 municipalities. The number of member municipalities has since increased to reach 55 municipalities in 2021. H owever, Zalloutiyeh, Selaa, Chehabiyeh, Jouaiyya, Bafliyeh, Nafakheyye, Bestayat, Wadi Jilo and Debaal municipalities are located within the Tyre district but are not part of the Union. The Union is located in the Tyre District within the South Lebanon governorate.
The president of the Union is the head of the executive branch of the Union. The Union Council is composed of the heads of the municipalities in the Union or their representatives. The Council has decision-making authority in which decisions taken by the Council are legally binding on all member municipalities in the Union.